Cleaning & Caring for your jewelry

Cleaning your jewelry:


Step 1

Fill a small dish with lukewarm water and add a small amount of dish soap, We use Dawn Dish Soap

Step 2

Set your jewelry in the soapy water for about 10 minutes. We do not recommend cleaning items together for risk of scratching one another.


Step 3

Use a soft bristle brush, toothbrush will work, to remove the dirt. Gently brush your ring around the stone and underneath. You will find the most dirt and residue underneath the stone. Place your jewelry back in the soapy water while brushing it. This will help remove left over dirt.

Step 4

Rinse you jewelry with clean running water. Be very careful not to drop it. It is a good practice to plug the drain while doing this. Use a lint free cloth or a blow dryer to dry your ring.

Caring for your jewelry:


It is recommended to have your jewelry checked by a professional 1-2 times a year or as needed. Pieces with many prongs should be checked more often, especially rings.

Clean your jewelry when you notice visible residue. If a deeper clean is needed, stop by to have it cleaned, it only takes 5-10 minutes.


Remove your jewelry for certain activities and possible exposure to harsh chemicals. For you ring, it recommended to remove it for things like yard work, weight lifting, swimming, doing the dishes.

It is not recommended to remove your jewelry in public. Plan ahead to avoid this.